9 Marla House Floor Plan

A survey of the 9 Marla House Floor Plan is a process of measuring and mapping a piece of land to determine its boundaries, size, and location. It can be done for various reasons such as preparing the plot for construction.

9 Marla house survey

Plan description

A 9 marla floor house plan is a design for a house on a plot of land measuring around 2025 square feet. It includes bedrooms, bathrooms, and living spaces, and can be customized. It’s important to consider family size, budget, and building codes. A well-designed plan can maximize space and provide a comfortable living environment.


A basement is an extra level in a house plan built below the main level. It can be used for storage, recreation, or living space. It provides more space without increasing the house’s footprint. The basement should be properly ventilated and waterproofed. The layout can be customized for specific needs. Proper planning and design can make the basement a functional and enjoyable addition to a house plan.

BasementGround Floor

The ground floor is the main level closest to the ground, usually containing living spaces, a kitchen, and an entrance. It’s designed for easy access to outdoor areas and should be functional, ventilated, and accessible. The design depends on the building’s purpose.

ground floor plan


Key Specification

Description Basement Ground Floor
Plot Size 62’x50′ (uneven)
Bed Room 2 3
Drawing Room 1
Kitchen 1 1
Parking 2 cars capacity 1 car parking space
Living 1 1
Wash Rooms 2 4


You can also find the full detailed map by clicking here.


A 9 marla house floor plan is a medium-sized residential house that provides enough space for a family to live. It includes many bedrooms, drawing rooms, bathrooms, also a kitchen, and living areas. The house design and layout of the building may vary depending on personal preferences and local building regulations.

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