Area Calculation of Land With Total Station.

An area is an amount of surface enclosed within a two-dimensional shape or region, expressed in square units, and used in different fields to describe the size and shape of objects or spaces. the shapes may be square, triangle, rectangle rhombus, or any other. if the sides of the shape increase from 4 sides we named it traverse.

area calculation with total station

How to calculate the area of land with Total Station.

To find the area of a plot or land with the Total Station, set up the instrument on a fixed point that is your benchmark. you can set up your Total Station without any benchmark. ( if it’s possible to find an area with one station).

  • Press the ON/OFF  button and ON the instrument.
  • Go to the menu and search area calculation from there. select it
  • After selection, a new screen will open where you will see Point # and OBS.
  • Sight the point and press OBS.
  • Sight all points you want to find the area.
  • In the last point press CALC.

You will get the area in square feet and square meters.

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