Resection Using Total Station.

Resection using total station is a process in which we can establish a new control point or benchmark from two or more than two existing benchmarks.


Resection using Total Station.

Resection can be done by two methods.

1. Resection by angle

Resection by an angle is a surveying technique used to determine the location of an unknown point by measuring its angles from two or more known points with known coordinates. This method requires the use of a total station or theodolite to measure the angles.
To perform this by angle, the surveyor sets up the total station or theodolite at a known point and measures the angles to the other known points. The surveyor then moves the instrument to the unknown point and measures the angles back to the known points. By comparing the measured angles with the known angles, the surveyor can calculate the coordinates of the unknown point.
Resection by an angle is a useful surveying technique that can be used in various applications, such as land surveying, construction, and engineering. It is particularly helpful when the unknown point is inaccessible or difficult to measure using other surveying methods.

resection by angle


2. Resection by coordinates

Resection by coordinates is a surveying technique used to determine the location of an unknown point by using its measured distances from two or more two known points with known coordinates. This method requires the use of a total station.
To perform resection by coordinates, the surveyor measures the distances from the unknown point to two or more known points with known coordinates. The surveyor then uses these measurements to calculate the coordinates of the unknown point, using the total station you can easily find new control point coordinates by resection method by coordinates.
Resection by coordinates is a useful surveying technique that can be used in various applications, such as land surveying, construction, and engineering. It is particularly helpful when the unknown point is visible and can be directly measured using distance-measuring equipment.

Resection by Coordinates


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