What is Surveying in Civil Engineering.


The word Survey means to know about anything. A person who is doing electric meter reading is actually doing a survey on it. similarly when we go to buy a car or motorbike, we go to different shops to check out the prices and condition of car or bike, so actually we did a Survey. So the the survey is to grab information about something, some places or some elements.


Surveying is a type of civil engineering used to determine the physical aspects of earth surface. the survey has many types like Geodetic survey and plain Survey. the plain survey is used for small places but the geodetic survey is takes place for cities and big places.

Types of Surveying

There are different types of Survey. The mainly used survey are as under.

According To Project

The types of survey according to project are…!

1. Road Survey

2. Building Survey

3. Railways

4. Airports Survey

5. Harbor and docks Survey

6. Mine Survey etc.

Types according to Instrument.

And the types of Survey according to instrument are…!

1. Chain Survey

2. Compass Survey

3. Plain table Survey

4. Leveling

5. Total Station Survey


In conclusion the survey plays an important role in civil engineering and for handling the projects, it has a vital role. In short the methods of surveying makes the work easy to do and the instruments enhance the quality of work.





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